This is the perfect time to be getting ready for the new season. Learn how to work on your equipment & save that money. Repair shops get as much repairing equipment as you do charging for lawn service. On this page are listed good ideas that could be applied for any time of the year. There is no such thing as being over prepared in this business. If you have to make excuses why you can't do the job now, you my friend are not doing your job to the best of your ability. Snooze you loose. There are plenty of people out there ready to do your job & take it away from you. In most cases you can get more money doing the job on the spot than putting it off till later. It might save your account or help you get one more. Some of you probably have a lot to do right now, snowplowing, spraying, landscaping, selling firewood & so forth. Others are wishing they had work because either they can't find work or haven't planed far enough ahead to have work for this slow time in the year. There is plenty that can be done this time of the year. I hear all the time I don't have much to do right now
& it's very slow. I'm just waiting on some work everything including my
equipment is ready. I just
need some of those bids to come on in & maybe some of my customers will call
me for some odd jobs. Lets see if I have forgotten anything? I can't cover
everything but I will explain what I always thought was most important. Are the tires OK got any doubts replace them with good heavy duty tires while your at it get that front end aligned. Front end alignment is far cheaper than tires & it will make the tires last far longer, they also check your steering components also. Make sure you rotate those tires regular you're putting excessive wear on them pulling a trailer. What does your truck look like appearance
wise? You want it to look as good as new to keep that professional image up. Age
doesn't matter its the looks that count. I hope you have signs on it that has
your company name & phone # on there. That's the best money you will ever
spend on advertising in your life, you can bet on it! What does your trailer look like appearance wise? You want it to look as good as new to keep that professional image up. If the trailer doesn't look like new go ahead & slap a coat of paint on it. Before you paint it check for broken welds, replace or repair the wood or metal in the flooring. Remember you said that you wish you had a eyebolt there to help tie down the equipment now is the time. Straighten or replace any bent or damaged metal. Also don't forget the tail gate or ramp. They take a real beating too. You by now got the mechanical part in good shape. The wiring & lights hey does your blinkers blink real fast well all you need is a heavy duty flasher & that is taken care of. Replace any broken lenses it will save you a lot of light bulbs & tickets. Check your wire plug in for the lights & see that is OK. You do have safety chains on your trailer, you do hook them up making a X so if trailer comes off of the ball or ball comes off the bumper or hitch the chains will hold it. I've never lost a trailer but I heard it is a frightening experience. Check the hitch ball & make sure its tight. Keep the ball greased at
all times & make sure when fastened it doesn't have to much play. There is a
adjustment on most of the tongues on the bottom side. Make sure you have a good
working lock on the ball hitch. It acts as a theft deterrent if you have to
disconnect the trailer & leave it while your doing something else.
2 Cycles:
They need a little TLC
too! Hand tools:
These are a must have to speed things up & make your life easier. Do you have what it takes to get
the job done. Besides the hand tools do you have 5 gal. buckets, hand sprayers,
roll around plastic trash can (these are worth their weight in gold), wheel
barrow? Carry your hand tools at all times, always be prepared to do anything
second trips can cost you a lot of time & this winds up being lost profit.
There is no way to justify a second trip, either be prepared to make money now
or let someone else do it & they make the money because you didn't think
about it or took the time to load the tools. Carry them every where you go! Extra Parts & Tools to fix
your Equipment: Do not let a spark plug, other parts or wrenches stop you. Buy this stuff in quantity unless you are planning on going out of business. You buy spark plugs 10 at the time you should save enough to get 2 for free. Trimmer line buy it by the 5 lb. roll most of the time its like getting 1 lb. free. Buy all that oil by the case & save a lot. Do this with your most commonly used parts. It will save you a bundle of money & time. More than that if you think about it, piece of mind if nothing else. Tools need to be a must have. I don't mean a $1000 worth of tools but enough to do most minor repairs with. If you buy top of the line like advertised on TV, I'm not going to say who but the most common household name in America with the lifetime warranty on them. A $100 to $200 is plenty for what
you need. If you buy cheap ones, you will bust knuckles, round off bolts &
be replacing them quite often. Tell me this you are charging in most cases $30
or more a man hour & your using tools that if you put very much force on
them they will break, crack or ruin the bolts & nuts. I will pay more &
have them for life. I will save my hands & my nuts & bolts. I want to
make money in the least amount of time possible & I already know it takes
money to make money. Now Show me the money. This didn't cover everything possible but this should give you a good idea of what to look for & help you make the right decisions. You think you are ready now because you got your equipment ready. Well you are wrong, there is plenty more. Click Here: I'm ready No Work, I'm still waiting! More to come!